google in 1998 klasemen italia serie a Sejarah Hari Ini, 4 September 1998 Google Berdiri, Kini Ultah ke-25 ,iN - Pada tanggal 4 September 1998, sebuah perusahaan
ino77 Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin is an American Business magnate and computer scientist who, with Larry Page, co-founded Google, one of the most profitable Internet Google, mesin pencarian terpopuler di dunia, didirikan oleh Larry Page dan Sergey Brin pada 4 September 1998 dengan tujuan memberi
pelatih jerman 2014 Type Google in 1998 into the search field on Google, the website will transform into the design it had 15 years ago when the pany first launched. 4) Sekarang, coba search Google in 1998. Resultnya, balik jadi google jaman dulu lhoo..