AL ISRA AYAT 32 - Tafsir Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Isra Ayat 32 الإسراء Lengkap Arti Terjemah

al isra ayat 32   lucky125 Zina is a very important act to be avoided. God reveals the abomination of adultery; it is a deceitful deed, and when it has reached its peak, it will poison

4wd slot PENAFSIRAN LA TAQRABU AL-ZINA ayat 32 yang ditafsirkan Zina is a very important act to be avoided. God reveals the abomination of adultery; it is a deceitful deed, and when it has reached its peak, it will poison

game judi Surat Al-Isra' Ayat 32: Arab, Latin, Terjemah dan Tafsir : · Diriwayatkan dari Abi Dan janganlah kamu membunuh jiwa yang diharamkan Allah , melainkan dengan suatu yang benar. Dan barangsiapa dibunuh secara zalim, maka

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