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LAZY SONG LIRIK 🧘 Lirik Lagu Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song dan Terjemahan Indonesia

lazy song lirik 21   wow 630 5 Lazy Song dan mulut Gio bau kawah. #lazysong brunomars #aldivahnicover #fyp

replay the moment 24 Lazy Song #brunomars #thelazysong #lyrics Contact : droppinglyricsvibe Bruno Mars - The Chord The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. Reff : C G F today i don't feel like doing anything.. C G F i just wanna lay in my bed.. C G don't feel like picking

gajahslot88 1 The song describes a lazy day where the singer doesn't want to do anything and just wants to relax in bed. He says he won't answer his phone and instead Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song, Today, I don't feel like doing anything (Lirik Lagu

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